The Benefits of Video Marketing for Business

Video is quickly becoming one of the most powerful tools to incorporate into your marketing strategy. More traditional avenues of marketing, like print and other digital marketing strategies, still have their place, but are less effective unless paired with high-quality videos that can quickly capture and convert your audience. Here at MarzMotion, we’ve been a firsthand witness to this rapid increase in high-quality video’s popularity and effectiveness. This has made professional video production even more relevant and necessary for long-term business relevancy and growth.

The benefits of video marketing are numerous and can vary depending on your company and your specific goals, but the 6 benefits listed below are pretty universal to any business. From telling a unique story, to long-term investment benefits, read on to learn more about how video marketing can add significant value to your overall marketing plan and business strategy.

Tell a Unique Story

video marketing for business tells your story

While static images of products, company life, or behind-the-scene moments can undoubtedly still be useful, videos invite the viewers into that actual moment and make them feel immersed in the story you’re telling. This hold true whether its a product branding video or a corporate storytelling video. When pursuing video production for your company, you can tap into a multitude of different video techniques that can be combined to showcase your company and brand in a distinct and powerful way that’s not possible with traditional media. Utilizing creative video production to craft the story around your product or company also creates more dimension, which results in more captivating content that will resonate with your audience more than still images.

Build Trust in Your Company/Brand

Depending on the type of video you want, there are multiple avenues you can take to build trust with your audience. If you’re looking to improve your brand identity, telling your company story can help differentiate your organization and let your customers know what they can expect from you. If you’re showcasing a specific product, demonstrating how it works in real-life applications can be useful to show its functionality and practicality. Videos offer the opportunity to develop an impactful creative narrative that showcases your product, company, or personality, and is a strong tool to highlight brand uniqueness in a stylish way.

When it comes down to it, whatever kind of video you decide to pursue, one of the biggest things to focus on is authenticity. Building trust with your audience won’t come from pretending to be something you’re not. Rather than thinking about what might interest them or get them to buy your product, try focusing on what sets you apart and what would fill their needs. Using creative video elements that are true to your unique story and really showcase what sets your brand apart will help add to this authenticity. Aim to be interactive and engaging, and your audience will feel like they know you, inherently building trust in your company along the way.

video marketing builds brand trust

Increase Engagement and Conversions

It’s no secret that videos drive better engagement and conversions than print and digital media. With the rise of YouTube and Facebook Live, more and more people are consuming this kind of content daily. People watched a billion hours of YouTube every day in 2016, and Facebook gets over 8 billion average daily video views. This popularity and preference for videos is also apparent when analyzing consumer interactions with videos. Simply including ‘video’ in an email subject line increases open rates by 19%, having a video on a landing page can increase conversions up to 80%, and 90% of customers say videos help them make buying decisions (Social Media Today). So when thinking about the price tag on video production, be sure to consider the increased engagement and conversions you’ll gain along with it. This is arguably one of the biggest benefits of video marketing that is also easily trackable and speeds up the return on your video investment.

Potential Long-Term Investment

Along with being one of the most engaging forms of media, videos are also one of the fastest-growing kinds of content as well. By 2021, Cisco projects that nearly 82% of all consumer internet traffic will be from videos. When you have a video produced for your business, you also gain an asset you can use for years (depending on your usage rights). This is especially useful for evergreen content that won’t be out of fashion in a year or two. Videos that tell your brand story and give a glimpse at the people behind the scenes are usually the best for a long-term video strategy. Combine the longevity of videos with the high engagement they receive, and the evidence is pretty clear that investing in your video strategy now will payoff for years down the line with the current growth of video’s power in marketing.

video marketing for business engagement

Long-Term SEO Benefits of Video Marketing

In addition to being a sound long-term investment, videos can significantly help your SEO rank. Having videos on your website and showcased on social media channels can help improve your SEO in a number of ways: you and your consumers can create quality backlinks, help reduce bounce rates on pages with engaging videos, and have highly-shareable content. It shouldn’t come as a big surprise that Google’s algorithm prioritizes companies and content that utilize their video platform. By uploading your videos to YouTube specifically, you increase these positive benefits by using the channel Google places a higher weight on. You can see this first hand if you you google “How to tie a tie”; you’ll see a number of videos pop up in the search results. These benefits, along with the exploding growth of video popularity and consumer engagement, result in a winning reason why video should be a top priority in your long-term SEO plans.


As opposed to buying ad space in a magazine that will only last for the amount of time you purchased in a restricted place, a video offers a greater amount of versatility. Depending on your usage rights, your video will be yours to use where and when you want, and you’ll be the one to decide when you want it to show and for how long. If you want to use it on your website, run Facebook ads with it, create an email campaign around it, and upload it to YouTube, you have the freedom to decide what channels you’ll use to showcase it, and can even hyper-target your desired audience on certain platforms. This versatility can positively affect the bang for your buck when investing in a high-production video and is another strong benefit of video marketing.

video marketing is a long term investment

Benefits of Video Marketing for Business Summary

When it comes to the benefits of video marketing, the proof is hard to argue with. From increasing trust in your company and telling your unique story, to increasing engagement and conversions and long-term SEO benefits, it’s easy to see why more and more companies are investing in video for their marketing strategy and business plans. If you’re interested in high-quality video production for your company, we encourage you to contact us.

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