How to Add Video Content to Your Marketing Strategy

There are many benefits of video marketing for business that solve common marketing and sales stagnation problems in a company’s digital approach. Once you’re convinced your company absolutely must use video and starts the production process with an experienced agency, you can then look for ways to profitably add this high-quality arrow to your advertising quiver. Some powerful ways successful businesses do this are by:

  • Capitalizing on the over 1 billion of the daily hours viewed on YouTube.
  • Improving your email click-through rates by an astounding 300 percent.
  • Dominating social media algorithms and increasing engagement.
  • Using emotional storytelling to increase the ROI on your video investment.

The Landscape for Change Enabled by Video

Long-gone are the days when video was an optional feature to a well-rounded marketing strategy. In today’s digital landscape, this kind of content is essential. If you haven’t included this digital avenue in your promotion and growth strategy yet, you’re already behind the vast majority of companies competing for ever-shrinking attention spans.

Video is vital for any business marketing plan; and there’s no sign that it will lose its power. By 2021, an estimated 82 percent of global internet traffic will come from video, according to Cisco. In summary: if you aren’t already creating this form of content in some respect, you’re already behind the curve.

Below is a review of the diverse areas where you can showcase video to capture the most attention from prospective customers.

how to add video marketing strategy phoenix agency

Video Marketing Supercharges Your SEO Power

When people think of SEO, they usually think of static website content and blogs. But there’s great optimization potential with a video-enhanced SEO strategy. Next to Google, YouTube is the largest search engine and second most popular social media platform. That alone should tell you quite a bit about the importance of utilizing this platform for your company. People watch over 1 billion hours of content on YouTube every day with no signs of slowing down, according to Marketing Insider Group.

Such staggering statistics show just how much people crave video. Whether it’s for entertainment or to learn how to do something, this form of digital content is the ideal way to reach your prospects; and YouTube is the most powerful tool to leverage it. Merging video SEO best-practices with your YouTube marketing strategy helps you capitalize on the overwhelming amount of traffic this site attracts daily. A few easy ways to optimize your exclusive YouTube channel are by:

  • Harnessing keywords that distinguish your video in its title. Getting that right with a mix of attention-grabbing aspects through factual keywords is the best way to draw people to your video message.
  • Ensure your headline and descriptions contain those relevant keywords.
  • Add relevant video tags (similar to keywords) in your description.
  • Track your videos’ engagement metrics over time: such as watch time, comments, like / dislikes / shares, to easily reveal where future versions can be improved so even more YouTube visitors will easily find them.

While YouTube can help showcase your video, you must shrewdly put your best foot forward so your production stands out against stiff competition. Over five million videos are uploaded to YouTube daily. This is indeed a daunting competitive pool. But not all of them are high-quality or have the right “SEO juice” to power them effectively. This highlights the importance of creating quality videos that give you a competitive edge when vying for – and growing – your desired audience’s attention.

Video Marketing Improves Your Email Metrics

A hefty 126 messages arrive in the average office email inbox daily: underscoring why this channel is still one of the best ways to reach your customers. It’s a direct route to them without any changing algorithms which force you to continually modify your approach. Optimizing your email strategy with video is a savvy way to ensure you’re getting the most out of this versatile, time-honored marketing tool.

According to a study done by Wistia, having a video in your emails can increase the click-through rate by 300 percent! Just including “video” in your email’s subject line can increase open-rates by 19 percent and reduce unsubscribes by 25 percent. Moreover, email is 40 times more effective at acquiring new customers than Facebook or Twitter. Just imagine the power your emails have when you pair them with a high-quality video!

improved email metrics with video strategy

There are multiple ways to successfully integrate this digital content into your email marketing plan. One way is to have a “teaser” picture on your main email which then links-through to your multimedia content. Another is showcasing a product and having your email link-through to a product video. About 90 percent of consumers say videos help them make buying decisions, so utilizing them in your email strategy can’t help but increase your conversions and purchases.

Depending on your company’s industry and its strategic campaign goals, you can find great ways to incorporate this digital content into your email strategy and create powerful messages to your potential customers. Whether it’s educating them on one of your products or a creative video showcasing your company, the possibilities are virtually endless.

Video Marketing Increases Social Media Presence

Similar to adding videos into your emails, incorporating high-quality productions into your social media strategy increases engagements and click-through rates. Facebook’s algorithm even prioritizes premium video content over other kinds of posts. This places your company in front of more people. But before you push-out your video on Facebook, it’s important to understand where your audience hangs-out on social media. If your targeted audience is millennials or Gen Z, then focusing on Instagram is better; if you’re after advertising to industry professionals, LinkedIn is your best bet.

Once you determine what platform you focus your efforts on, you can then tailor your video to that channel. Shorter and flashier versions typically do better on Instagram, while longer ones perform well on Facebook (its sweet spot is 60-90 seconds). Plus, people usually go to Google and YouTube for longer how-to content. Playing into what works best for each specific platform helps you capture the most engagements and conversions.

Emotional Storytelling with Video Improves ROIs

We’ve pointed-out how important video is to a marketing strategy and the different avenues you can utilize to showcase yours. But not any old video will make the cut and capture attention in this hyper-competitive landscape. While product how-to videos have their place, the ideal way to make yours stand above the crowd is to include emotional storytelling. Take a look at the franchise success videos we created for Amazing Lash Studio.

We showcased the hard-working drive that Amazing Lash Studio’s franchise owners have which makes their business so successful. Sure, it could have been a boring tale that makes a blanket statement of how great it is to work for, and own, an Amazing Lash Studio franchise. But any single “voice” risks getting lost in all the overwhelming online “video world noise.” Instead, by emphasizing emotional aspects in the story – the backgrounds of these women and their passions – this piece becomes much more than a dull, garden variety testimonial clip or hum-drum success story. It “pops.” It resonates. Incorporating emotional storytelling makes Amazing Lash Studio’s (and your) videos stand-out; and turns them into memorable pieces of content that consumers crave.

Separating your brand in a positive way inherently leads to an increase in ROI. By becoming memorable; and showing the extremely positive effects that working for Amazing Lash Studios has on these hard-working women, the company creates a positive association with their brand; and a top-of-mind position in the minds of their targeted consumers. So remember that wherever you choose to invest your video marketing strategy, a powerful video makes a dramatic – and profitable – difference in any promotional medium.

The Bright Future of Video for Marketing

We’ve shared why video’s importance isn’t going anywhere: its here to stay! If your company craves a competitive edge; investing in this advertising avenue gets you the best return on your venture. Once you have high-quality multimedia content you’re proud to showcase, embracing it on your digital marketing channels gives you the most out of your marketing budget.

Creating a high-quality video doesn’t happen overnight and requires industry knowledge and years of experience by seasoned veterans at a tried-and-true video production agency such as MarzMotion. We work with our customers from idea inception through production to create a memorable final product that drives your marketing strategy to new, undiscovered heights. Contact MarzMotion and let’s get your professional video project started today.

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